Technologie se mění rychleji než my, takže ani nemůžeme být připraveni. Co s tím? Prezentace 23.8. v Impact Hubu, ale hlavně kontakt na poradce.

Advisor to If When Then: Sangeet Paul Choudary from Platform Revolution at

Akce v pražském Impact Hubu 

Technological progress is accelerating greater than ever. New industries are constantly being born and old ones are becoming obsolete. This trend will create millions of jobs that don't even exists today, change traditional business models and force people to learn very different skills that are needed today.

Come to listen to my FREE presentation and you'll find out how to prepare for the whole new future economy, why platform business models are transforming the world and how to practically to think about future of jobs.

Expanded Summary

The World Economic Forum estimates that 65 percent of children entering primary school today will ultimately end up working in completely new job types that don’t yet exist. Since most of the jobs have not been created, the opportunities and challenges will largely depend on a persons ability to recognize these changes that are already underway.

Platform Business Models and Recent Technological Advancements

Today 4 of 5 biggest companies in the United States are platforms. Platform business models are transforming the world and with recent breakthroughs in AI and robotics they will soon forever change the nature of work for humans. In this presentation, we’ll explore real-life platform business models and the mindset used by iconic figures to answer the follow questions:

- How to prepare for the new economy?

- What are practical ways to think about the future of jobs?

- How the basic principles of platform design thinking will change the world?

- How to find platform business model opportunities?

Are you ready?

Past Lectures:

- February 2017, Shenzhen, China at Simply Work

- May 2017, Kyiv, Ukraine at the Innovation and Development Foundation

- June 2017, Odesa, Ukraine at Terminal 42

- July 2017, Riga, Latvia at Birojnīca

- July 2017, Tartu, Estonia at Startup Hub

- August 2017, Bratislava at 0100 Campus

- September 2017, Helsinki at Microsoft Flux


[MBA, Author, and Platform Designer] My name is Adam Dorfman and I’m from Canada. And, I have been fortunate to have been invited to give this presentation in many parts of Northern, Eastern and Central Europe.

After several years of researching the philosophy of science and platform innovation, I am now working with one of the top platform designers in the world to launch a new search engine mechanism for online learning in Eastern Europe, called If When Then.

Advisor to If When Then: Sangeet Paul Choudary from Platform Revolution at